Monday, May 16, 2016

How Do You Know That You Are Loved?

Through words.

“I love you.” No one is sweeter than someone who can vocally say that he/she loves you, someone who can shout to the world what you really mean to him/her, someone who is proud to have you and expresses his/her overwhelming feelings verbally. Spoken romantic words of affection are to me, the sweetest to hear. For who could not be moved by those tickling and caressing speeches. Hearing those kind of words makes you feel loved, wanted and cared for. 

Trough actions.

Actions speak louder than words indeed. Your words paired with your actions would make your love very convincing. Because sometimes words aren’t enough. What’s the value of sweet words if your actions speak contrastingly. Remember, actions are very essential to back up every word you say. Actions, gestures and even body language itself make me aware that I am loved and could make me fall head over heels. Words may fool you but actions won’t.

Through the eyes.

Sometimes the eyes can say more than the mouth. A stare can possesses a thousand meanings. When it comes to love, just look at the person straight into the eyes, for the eyes can not lie. When he/she looks straight back at you with tantalizing, sparkling eyes, then that person loves you. And above all, deep eye contact is more intimate than words will ever be.

Through sweet smiles.

Love is when you smile at each other sweetly, not saying a single word, but both of you knew that your feelings crossed each other. There really is something about sweet smiles. It’s not fake nor deceiving. It’s not pretentious nor luring. The feeling when his smile just made your day. The feeling when though he’s hurting he’s still able to smile for you. Somehow, sweet smiles are like drugs. You would crave hard for these.

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