Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Story of My Life

Hi dude! You’re about to know my life story so you better buckle your seat belts, sit back and relax.

Yow! I'm Antonette Priel A. Santillan at your service. Pling-Pling, Pling-Plong, Prang-Prang??? *sounds weird* Call me whatever you want. Age? I'd just turned 17 last 16th of April. Yehet! If you need anything, you can visit me at my place, North Poblacion, Bacong, Negros Oriental.

My family plays a very important role in my life. My mama, papa and brother are my world, my everything. So before jumping into my life story, I feel the need of introducing my family first to you.

Ehemm! Meet my younger bro, my cute sibby, Jhunfel Jay. He’s just this innocent, playful and smart kid way back then. Now, he’d turn out to be a very protective, mature-minded, and a brave man. Others may compare us and exaggerate that he’s so different from me, that I’m more responsible, intelligent and so on. But in my eyes, we’re equally gifted. In fact, he’s better than me at some point. He can cook dishes so well while I can’t even cook an egg -_- He’s a skilled person, knows a lot of things at a very young age. He's extraordinary and I’m so proud of him. I love him more than any guys out there. And if you plan to apply as my Boyfriend, you better get yourself a “Brother’s Clearance”. I’m telling you, he’s standards are high. And I consider his opinion all the time.

Now meet my mama, Antonia A. Santillan, she’s a SUPERMOM. Very versatile, limitless, unique, and can teleport up to Pluto just to give us what we need. She’s AWESOME. Until now, she’s the only one who can give me a total comfort when I’m in weary. She hugs us at night, kisses us when she wakes up, I couldn't survive without her. And now, say hello to my papa, Felito V. Santillan Jr. I want to marry a guy just like him in the future. He’s very strict but on the inside, I can’t even imagine how big he’s love for us is. The safest place in the world is to be in his arms. Without a doubt, I know I grew up in a very comforting environment. An environment wherein I’m satisfied with everything, all my needs are given heartily and there’s nothing more to ask for because seeing these people everyday when waking up each morning is HAPPINESS. Our home is warm for it is filled with the love we give to each other. When trials come, we just hold on to our faiths for God is the foundation of this family. You know, my family’s existence is my sole reason to study hard and maintain my grades.

Now, meet me.

Everyone wants his/her childhood back. The times when you play endlessly, the times when you only care about was how to open your lollipop, the times when you cry hard because of a small scratch. How I missed my childhood.

When I’m 10 months old, I started walking straight with the assistance of my parents. By the age of 1 year and 5 months, I can already speak fluently. But letters “R” and “S” were quite difficult for me to pronounce. Words like “dos pisos” and “Pepsi” would sound like “dot pitot” and “Pepti”. *hahaha!* My mom often shared how bubbly I was before. People loved me so much because I always dance and I always talk. Obviously, I grew up as a chubby kid. “Tambokikay!” This was the phrase they would use to describe me.
Then my family transferred at Guihulngan by the year 2000. My father worked as a Clerk at CruzTelCo Guihulngan Branch. At 3 years old, I joined the Flores de Mayo and until now it became an annual practice for me every May. I’m a fast-learner and I’m often praised by others because I tend to act like a teenager. At a very young age, I’m a perfectionist. I don’t want erasures on my paper, I hate it when I wrote the letters wrongly and I throw my paper because of that. I finished the school year as the class’ First Honor. When I was 5 years old, Kinder – 2, I had my first crush which lasted until Grade 3. Sssssh! That’s just between us. 

At the age of six, I was able to enroll at Guihulngan South Central School. There, my elementary years began. I remember crossing the street alone for the first time and a motorcycle bumped me. I was knocked down in the street. I'm still alive though. I became very active at school.  I became one of the school’s Student Body. I was also a journalist under our school’s official publication, Sun Beam. I am a member of the Entertainment Club, too.  I started joining contests of all sorts, be it in Math, English, Science, Filipino, so on and so forth, even Chess, Dancing Contests, both academic and extra-curricular. With Papa God’s immeasurable love and goodness, I reached the regional level often and ranked 2nd or 1st in class since Kindergarten.

Then my parents decided to go back here in Bacong and leave Guihulngan for good. We transferred school and eventually got a culture shock in our new environment. But thanks to our high coping mechanism, we are able to adapt pretty quickly. Then, the hardest challenge came. My father suffered a severe brain attack where his brain had an immense blood clot. We’re told by the doctor that he’d only last for 4-7 days. It was heart-crushing to see your father almost lifeless. But Papa God was the greatest! Miracles do happen, guys. Prayers are always heard. It is just a matter of believing! Have faith. Trust Him above all just like what we did. Praise Papa God for my father’s second life! And praise Him for making me the Class Salutatorian for that school year.

HIGHSCHOOL! Best isn’t even enough to define it. I went to Ong Che Tee-Bacong High School. I met all types of people, the good ones, bad-ass ones, the bullies, the crazy frogs, the motor-mouthed, the shy types, and more. They made each of my days in highschool colorful and bright. My boy-best-friends who torture me, who bite my arm, who mess my hair, who tease me infinitely, who makes me cry in anger, but they who protect me, fight bloody battles for me, love me and would never dare leave me. And my girlfriends who are also my clowns, my food-provider, my money-giver, secret keepers, stress relievers, crying shoulders, advisers, partners in crime and the gorgeous princesses  I can’t live without. These people were God’s angels sent for me, including all of my teachers. Highschool is full of drama, crazy love affairs, heated competitions, unbreakable bonds, there’s really so much to say.  For 2 years, I was the Supreme Government President of our school. I was 13 then when I was elected on my 1st term. It was really scary at first. But since the school did trust me, I considered trusting myself as well. For 2 years as well, I was the Editor-in-Chief of our school paper, The Guardian. Then multifold of these kinds of opportunities/responsibilities kept on coming. My highest achievement so far was being able to compete in Taguig City for the National Schools Press Conference English Editorial Writing category after winning First Place in the Regional Level. I graduated as Class Valedictorian. All for the greater glory of God’s name! Praise God!

Now, I’m an upcoming sophomore college student. I’m studying at Negros Oriental State University taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I’m inspired, fueled, and strengthened by God every single day. So I’m aware that there’s no mountain I can’t climb. I live for Him and may you also be. Now, what's your life story?

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