Wednesday, May 11, 2016

My Future

I used to think that life is a fairytale, that in the future I will be a damsel in distress waiting to be rescued by a prince. My childhood fantasies were really outrageous. But now, I’m 17 and I’m no longer stuck in my daydreams. Now I wonder what a 17-year old girl like me sees her future to be!

I’m visualizing a 2-storey house with a contemporary design, 2 children playing in the garden, and my ideal man cooking for me in the kitchen. Hahaha! So specific! But seriously, I want to have a family of my own in the future, a healthy, happy and God-centered family. I want to have bubbly and cute kids, raise them, play with them, teach them and pinch their cheeks whenever I giggle. And I want to grow old with a man whom I’ll never regret choosing, someone who surpassed my standards. Hahaha! Well, just give me someone who truly loves me and respects me and above all, someone who loves God so dearly.

But before settling and having a family, I want to travel the world. I see myself in the future wearing number 9 Parker jersey, sitting among the crowd, cheering and shouting for the SPURS there in AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas. It’s my greatest dream ever, to watch them play in person and grab some photos with them for keeps. Aaaaaaaah~ I’d be the happiest if this dream comes true. I’d also be going to South Korea with my girlfriends, and then to Maldives, to Paris and to Italy; wherever our feet takes us. I want to bring mama, papa and my bro to other countries, too. YOLO! You Only Live Once, so make the most out of your life. Might as well ride a parachute in India or sleep in an Igloo in Finland just for a night, or cuddle with lions in Africa J I don’t want to have regrets in life. I want to be happy and experience what this beautiful world has to offer.

But before spending millions on travels, I consider finding a job first J If Papa God wills it, then I will be a CPA someday. If not, if He has other plans, better plans for me, then any job will do as long as it’s decent and it’s pleasing in His eyes. I will work hard for goodness’ sake! I will help the needy and the poor. But I’m poor as well, but that’s not an excuse, I can always extend my hand to those who need it. I will help my parents financially, I will help my brother get a degree, and before I spend extravagantly, I will save money and I’ll make sure that my family’s future and my future is secured. This will take quite some years, but nonetheless, “saving small amount soon builds up to a large amount”. Soon! I don’t want to rush things; I just want it done smoothly.

But before I can get a decent job and have money, I will study to the max level first. Focus! Determination! Perseverance! There’s no room for giving up. Whatever happens, I’ll push on and move forward. What I do now tells what I will be in the future. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it”. I’m working on my future right now, actually. 
But these things are just the plans I have for myself. God’s plans are always a billion times better. It’s up to His mighty hands how He’ll write my story. It may be as what I’ve planned but it could be a total opposite. Who knows? All I know is that He’ll give me the future I deserve and if life really is a fairytale just like in my childhood fantasies, then I’ll pray to be given a Happily Ever After.

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