Monday, May 16, 2016

Why Should We Walk?

Why should we walk according to Pura Santillan-Castrence?

There are a thousand reasons why we should walk. It could be for health reasons, financial reasons, or other reason there is. In her essay, Shall We Walk, Pura Santillan-Castrence, a writer, shared some of her thoughts on why we should walk. Here are some of it:

1. Walk and be healthy. Walking keeps our bodies fit and going. Unconsciously and painlessly, our important muscles are put into play while walking. Leg muscles, abdominal muscles and back muscles are in action. Even our arms swing to and fro as we walk. Walk vigorously and enthusiastically for it also improves blood circulation. Better blood circulation is equal to better thinking. Walking also improves someone's eyesight as he/she gazes upon different views allowing his/her eyes to relax. Thus, walking gives us the exercise our bodies badly need.

2. Walking helps us save money. Nowadays, it is really better to be practical. If your office, school, the market, church etc. is just 10-15 minutes walk away, then walk! You have save your money!

3. Walking allows us to see the beauty of the world. We have such a magnificent world, so you might as well consider gazing upon its attractions. Not just the attractions and places but human beings are also fascinating. Walking allows you to see interesting human beings of all types. The happy ones, the frustrated ones, the youth, old grannies, kids, couples, beggars, the wealthy ones, and everyone of all sorts. Isn't it amazing to encounter them? Even the little things in this world can have so much impact on you.

4. Walking can be the perfect form of meditation. Let nature soothe your restless spirits. Let city sights entertain your tired souls. Walking makes your decisions in life more appropriate. It makes your choices better. It makes you think of solutions to problems easier. If you want to be wiser and be of sounder mind, then walk!

5. Walk and know yourself. The best companion in the world is yourself. Have some Me-time! Date yourself, know yourself, create yourself and be acquainted with yourself through walking.


  1. What kind of walking does not produce the benefit of exercise?

  2. What excuses for not walking were mentioned by the author?

  3. What does author not recommend regarding walking?
